Magic Find Spark Stormweaver - Sorceress - Early Access
Character Build Sorceress Stormweaver
Magic Find Spark Stormweaver made for Path of Exile 2 Early access.
You will receive all the gear and gems to be able to play this Path of Exile 2 build. The character itself is not included!
This build centers around Spark, unleashing streams of lightning projectiles that dominate the battlefield by hitting multiple enemies or focusing on single targets. Perfect for both map clearing and boss killing, Spark Stormweaver combines consistent damage with excellent survivability.
The build utilizes Mind over Matter, Eldritch Battery, and Chaos Inoculation, creating a defensive core that grants immunity to chaos damage and allows energy shield to fuel mana for casting. Mind over Matter serves as a powerful defensive mechanic, ensuring the character cannot die as long as mana is available, making the build incredibly tanky even in the toughest encounters.
With an impressive 400% increased Rarity, this build excels not only in combat but also as a top-tier choice for farming currency and valuable items. It's real mapping machine easily crushing Maps and Giga Juiced Breaches. Combined with Archmage and amplified shock effects, Spark Stormweaver delivers explosive DPS, making it ideal for farming maps and defeating endgame bosses with ease.
How build works:
Use Blink, Sigil of Power and Conductivity with Curse Nodes on the Weapon Swap with your Weapon Set 2 Skill Points. It Makes Conductivity 3 times more Potent. Link Spark to use only with Weapon Set 1 Skill Points. This will allow you to easily switch between two sets of passive skills and get all the bonuses from them.
For Pinnacle Boss fights swap your Morior Invictus to High ES Chest with 60 Spirit and activate Cast on Shock with devastating Lightning Conduit setup!
Skill Tree and basic gear (maxroll):
This passive skill tree ensures that you can equip these items and max level six-link gems. The tree requires you to gain the missing strength and dexterity for the items, and use the remaining points to increase Intelligence.
You will be able to wear all the items already at level 84
Endgame resistances:
Fire 75%
Cold 75%
Lightning 75%
Chaos Immune
First Labyrinth: - Constant Gale
Second Labyrinth: - Force of Will
Third Labyrinth: - Strike Twice
Fourth Labyrinth: - Scouring Winds
Gem links (Level 19 Quality 20%):
Spark (Arcane Tempo - Considered Casting - Acceleration - Controlled Destruction - Inspiration)
Archmage (Lightning Mastery)
Sigil of Power (Persistence - Magnified Effect)
Orb of Storms (Overabundance - Lightning Exposure - Overcharge - Strip Away - Font of Mana)
Conductivity (Focused Curse - Heightened Curse - Hex Bloom)
Mana Tempest (Premeditation - Murderous Intent - Unbreakable)
Blink (Ingenuity - Energy Barrier)
Cast on Shock (Lightning Conduit - Impetus - Energy Retention - Elemental Focus - Inevitable Critical
Rare Wand with 75%+ Lightning Damage, 175+ to Mana, +4 to Level of all Lightning Skills and 30%+ Cast Speed
Mahuxotl's Machination 600%+ Effect - 3 Sockets - 3x Soul Core of Azcapa (30% Rarity)
Body Armour:
- Morior Invictus - Mana and Rarity - 5 Sockets - 5x Soul Core of Zalatl (10% maximum Mana)
- Rare 700+ Energy Shield Chest with 60 Spirit (only for fights with Pinnacle Bosses)
Rare Helmet 300+ Energy Shield, 150+ to Mana, Rarity/Resistances/INT
Rare Gloves 150+ Energy Shield, 150+ to Mana, Rarity/Resistances/INT/DEX (Soul Core of Zalatl)
Rare Boots 150+ Energy Shield, 150+ to Mana, 30% Movement Speed, Rarity/Resistances/INT (Soul Core of Zalatl)
The Everlasting Gaze - well rolled (allocates Lightning Rod)
2x Rare Rings with 180+ to Mana, 20%+ Cast Speed, 30%+ Rarity, Attributes/Resistances
Ingenuity - 77% increased bonuses from Rings
9x Rare Jewels with combination of next stats: Shock Magnitude, Projectile Speed, Cast Speed, Skill Effect Duration, Increased Chance To Shock, Ele/Spell/Lightning Damage, %Maximum energy shield, % of energy shield as stun threshold, Recover 2% Mana on Kill
Thawing Charm (Freeze immunity) with increased Duration
Melting Maelstrom
Additional Gems:
1x Uncut Spirit Gem Level 20 (upgrade for Archmage)
2x Uncut Skill Gem level 20 (upgrade for Spark and Lightning Conduit)
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