How do you deliver Fallout 76 caps?

Delivering fallut 76 caps is very easy. When you make your order in our website, please give us the correct Bethesda ID. We will add you as a friend in the game, please accept the friend request. After adding a friend, please stay there and do not move around, we will enter your world and get to your side as soon as possible. We will initiate a trade request with you that you have to accept. Please choose an item, from you inventory (it can be a junk or a cheap, unneeded item) then sell it for the amount of Caps you puchased. The single item limit is 5000 Caps. For example, if you buy 10000 Caps, you need to sell two items for 5000 Caps. If you are not online or have something important to do, don't worry. You can come to livehelp at any time of the day to get your Caps as we are online 24/7.

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