How to Prepare for Delivery?

To ensure the smoothest delivery experience, please:

Ensure you have enough space in your inventory for the items you ordered. Avoid carrying any quest-related items in your inventory if you can. If you ordered currency, our delivery time is approximately 5 minutes. Please be online in Clearfell (Normal Difficulty). To check for any pending invites, press "S" to view your invitations. Additionally, ensure that Do Not Disturb (DND) mode is turned off to avoid missing any notifications.

The required space for the most popular Path of Exile 2 currencies:

Divine Orb: 10 per stack (600 total in an inventory)

Chaos Orb: 20 per stack (1,200 total in an inventory)

Exalted Orb: 20 per stack (1,200 total in an inventory)

Orb of Alchemy: 20 per stack (1,200 total in an inventory)

Orb of Regret: 40 per stack (2,400 total in an inventory)

Orb of Chance: 10 per stack (600 total in an inventory)

Orb of Alteration: 20 per stack (1,200 total in an inventory)

Lesser Jeweller's Orb: 20 per stack (1,200 total in an inventory)

Greater Jeweller's Orb: 20 per stack (1,200 total in an inventory)

Perfect Jeweller's Orb: 20 per stack (1,200 total in an inventory)

Tainted Jeweller's Orb: 20 per stack (1,200 total in an inventory)

Jewellery Recombinator: 20 per stack (1,200 total in an inventory)

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